Marriott and Equifax – A Tale of Two Breaches

Marriott and Equifax – A Tale of Two Breaches

Recently there were two huge data breaches of two very large companies. Both organizations collected a ton of information about their clients. The breaches were both spectacular in scope. Furthermore, both were among the largest known data breaches.

I see a large contrast between the Marriott breach and the Equifax breach. The difference between the two massive breaches clearly demonstrates the importance of basic security methods.

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Troubleshooting Network and SQL Server Connectivity at the Command Line

Troubleshooting Network and SQL Server Connectivity at the Command Line

Network problems with connecting to SQL Server can be daunting. DBAs have various levels of proficiency in networking. It ranges from deep working knowledge to very primitive. Here I outline some basic network troubleshooting techniques that will help you navigate the issue.

Read on to see how to troubleshoot basic networking issues at the command line.

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