T-SQL Tuesday #93 – Interview get-help

T-SQL Tuesday #93 – Interview get-help

The topic of this months T-SQL Tuesday #93 (hosted by Kendra Little / @Kendra_Little) is Interviewing Patterns & Anti-Patterns. The question: What advice to you have for people preparing for or going through an interview?

It is a big question with many different perspectives and factors:

  • Entry level vs experienced professional
  • Startup vs enterprise
  • DBA vs developer

Instead of delving into each specific domain I will discuss some insights that have served me well. I hope they will help you too. Whether you are interviewing for a Senior DBA role or an entry level BI developer some things remain the same.

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MSDTC Troubleshooting – Basic Guide Part 2

MSDTC Troubleshooting – Basic Guide Part 2

Now that the basics of MSDTC have been covered in Part 1 we can move on to troubleshooting more specific issues. Here I cover other tricks that can ruin your day. There was a period of time where it felt like all I did was diagnose and fix MSDTC issues. This is the outcome of that frustration – a guide that you may find helpful and prevent the stress I experienced. So without further ado…

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MSDTC Troubleshooting – Basic Guide

MSDTC Troubleshooting – Basic Guide

If you haven’t worked with MSDTC before you might mistake it for a simple straight forward service which is easy to setup, configure, and troubleshoot. I too once thought that until I stumbled into the thick forest of MSDTC with those promises and didn’t return for years all grizzly and worn (ok it wasn’t that bad).

What comes next is my contribution to those who follow into the dark denizens of MSDTC hoping to fix things so they can go home.

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Microsoft SQL Server Environmental Checks

Microsoft SQL Server Environmental Checks

When called in to diagnose a performance issue, what are the 1st things you review? How much of the environment do you check before going straight to the line of code you think is at fault? Because of the urgency many DBAs and developers make the mistake of diving straight into the code looking for an answer. What if the solution is not in the code but rather in the overall environment? Environmental troubleshooting is often a quick and overlooked method for discovering and configuring SQL Server. Perform at a higher level without the need for application change controls!

NOTE: this article is the summary of a 3 part series on optimizing SQL Server configurations along with Windows Server and VMware. Please read these first then return to read the rest.

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SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – VMware

SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – VMware

Nowadays everyone virtualizes. SQL Server is no exception. VMware is the most common hypervisor by far (sorry Hyper-V) so it is very beneficial for DBAs to know their way around vSphere, understand how to optimally configure SQL Server and VMware to work together, and know the red flags to watch for performance.

This is part 2 of a 3 part series about SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 as well.

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SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – OS

SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide – OS

Diagnostics and the optimization of configurations are important for any SQL Server instance. However, it is not only the database server which need attention. The operating system, Windows Server, needs consideration as well. There are various general configurations to consider optimizing on any Windows Server hosting a SQL Server instance.

NOTE: this deals only with Windows Server. I know that Linux is now recently an option but this article will deal only with Windows Server.

This is part 2 of a 3 part series about SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics. Part 1 can be read here.

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SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide

SQL Server Environmental Diagnostics Guide

Supporting an application as a DBA means you have encountered complaints about performance. The investigation starts and the root cause must be determined. Often times the end result is not a bug in the code but rather something specific to the environment. Environmental problems are usually the culprit.

Performance problems for a SQL Server based application are likely to be caused by environmental factors and not buggy code.

Whether it is a configuration you can change in SQL Server, Windows Server, VMware, or the network it is likely the first course of action is to perform a quick assessment of the environment. This is where understanding the various configurations and best practices are key. Knowing what to look for can save tons of time.

A mistake I often see is a performance issue is passed off to someone else (more senior) and that engineer assumes a lot of things without checking. People are going to relay the problem as they see it – not as it actually is. This leads to skipping over some elementary checks which can save time and frustration from tracking down imaginary bugs.

Start troubleshooting with a quick environmental check.

Below are common environmental mishaps I see when troubleshooting SQL Server performance complaints. Consider these 1st line of action before getting into execution plans, statistics, indexing, and code refactoring.

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SQL Saturday – Raleigh 2017 – Amazing Professional Community

SQL Saturday – Raleigh 2017 – Amazing Professional Community

This Saturday was SQL Saturday for Raleigh. Attendance was strong, classrooms were filled, and the event was a success. When I attend these events it amazes me how strong the SQL community is. Speakers travel from states away, volunteers setup and plan the event, vendors sponsor the event and meet at their booths with participants, and people come to learn on an Saturday.

That really says something about SELECT individuals who INNER JOIN with each other ON a Saturday WHERE the goal is to learn from each other as a GROUP BY sharing knowledge we are lucky enough HAVING such a great community. I’ll stop now in ORDER to show some pictures of day!

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